Friday 16 November 2012

Playback Theatre "Transformation" 18 November 2012


Lost in Transformation: A Performance by Bellingen Playback Theatre

Let’s talk about change! At times the old does not do it for us any more: we open to new possibilities, without really knowing what the outcome will be. We shave our heads  (or turn blonde), we move houses or across continents, we leave our partner, enroll in a course or change careers. Other times change happens to us: the kids move out, or we find ourselves pregnant; a loved one leaves us, or finally (finally!) we meet the love of our life; we have a stroke, or a stroke of luck.

Let’s talk about being lost and finding ourselves again. What did you use as your compass when you were high at sea, the sky was overcast and no known land was in sight?

The end of 2012 is here and our collective dreaming takes us many places. Are we peeking over the Edge of Chaos, a dangerous, unstable place, full of creative potential.
 ‘Will the world end?’ some fear. ‘The Mayans did not just run out of paper! Will it be a polar reversal, a solar flare or the impact with planet Nibiru?’. Or are we accelerating towards the brink of an evolutionary leap – a time in which we will create a new, paradigm, a more harmonious and life sustaining one?

Wherever you are at and whoever you are, you are warmly invited to come along to Bellingen Playback Theatre’s next performance and listen to our community’s stories of transformation.

Playback Theatre is a theatre of storytelling. A dynamic form of spontaneous theatre where the unexpected often happens!  At a Playback performance there is no script. Audience members tell experiences, dilemmas or events from their lives to the Playback Conductor. Actors and a musician then shape and recreate these stories, bringing them to life using the power and playfulness of improvised theatre.

Bellingen Playback Theatre is a dynamic and highly respected theatre company made up of very juicy local artists. Since its beginnings in 1989, the Bellingen Playback Theatre Company has undergone numerous transformations, hence claiming expertise on the subject of this particular performance.

When: Sunday the 18th of November, door opens at 7. Entry $18
Where: Memorial Hall

Tea & cake available for purchase