Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Advanced Biodynamics workshop 18 May 2012

Advanced biodynamics workshop 18 May 2012

This course will cover

1. history and background of biodynamics- what is biodynamic farming and where does it come from?
2. learning outcomes - what do you want to know about specific to your farm/garden
3. what's happening in australia
4. advantages and benefits of biodynamics- environmental, economic and water management
5. how biodynamic farming differs from organic farming
6. Soil food web- the impact on soil
7. The 7 biodynamics preparations - whats in them, how they are made and how they are put out
8. practical applications- making a BD compost, liquid manures and stirring
8. Animals  on the farm - how to best utilise them in the role of the farm system
9. How to use the moon calendar- why we use it and its role in planting and putting out preps
10. open discussion and questions related to individual farms