Friday, 15 February 2013

Bellingen High School Community Garden - supervisors

Dear Gardeners - we need to establish a roster of supervisors for our new Gardening Time at the High School Garden which will be from 5-7pm Wednesdays during summer. Gardening tasks are listed below-it is up to each supervisor what they feel comfortable doing. We will advertise the new time on FB, the Transition newsletter and in a newspaper article so hopefully will get a few helpers each week.
Here are the dates we need supervisors for-please let me know if you can fill a monthly spot. If you would rather just turn up as a helper when available, please do! If you would like to supervise and need shed keys for access to tools etc please let me know and i will copy them for you. Any supplies needed, contact Sid

Wednesday February 6th - Annabella
       "                           13th - Solveig
       "                           20th - Annabella
       "                           27th -
        "              March   6th - 
        "                           13th - Annabella
        "                           20th - 
        "                           27th - 
 What needs to be done over the next few months
  • Frequent mowing
  • Frequent whipper snipping
  • Frequent hosing of concrete paths
  • Nut grass weeding
  • Picking veggies to keep them coming up
  • Raised beds – need increased organic matter in them before replanting (they tend to get dry and under-nourished)
  • Someone to support Sinclair with the hydroponics (contact Sinclair via FB to see what times he will be there)

NB **We need to do about 10 hours work a week in order to keep our garden maintained**

PS Our next BCGA committee meeting will be 23rd Feb @ 5pm.